Tag: birds
On magpies

We’d both noticed that there seemed to be more of them, now that the cold weather has arrived and the last of the leaves have fallen. Always in pairs, they perch like snipers on the higher branches of the large, ailing cherry tree at the bottom of the garden. Often they land on the kitchen […]
On sparrows

Obituaries lift the heart. They’re the part of any newspaper or magazine to turn to first if you want to cheer yourself up by reading about the positive side of human nature. At the moment, when the news pages resemble an unending nightmare by Hieronymus Bosch, that’s especially true. Last week I read on Twitter […]
A biodiversity lesson from India

We tread softly behind our guide, taking care not to make the dry leaves crackle and alarm the birds around the Chambal Lodge estate. He points upwards, to a branch where owls are asleep (it’s mid-afternoon, and we’re surprised to see owls at all). A large Scops owl sits stock still, and stares at us […]