
The silent election

July 5, 2024 2 Comments
The silent election

Has there ever been a general election studded with so many good jokes?  From the very start, when Rishi Sunak destroyed his blue suit while standing in the pouring rain to announce the election, to the news that the even more hapless ex-MP Craig Williams had used his insider knowledge to place a £100 bet […]

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Build, build, build

June 21, 2024 2 Comments
Build, build, build

It began with an act of destruction, the demolishing of an existing house.  Then came the tractors, carting trailer-loads of earth away.  Hundreds of loads, over many weeks, if not months.  The result: a very large hole in the ground.  Next, the concrete.  Huge trucks, loaded with long pipes, started arriving.  Workers assembled the pipes […]

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The problem of Vaughan Gething

April 26, 2024 15 Comments
The problem of Vaughan Gething

The facts are clear enough.  Between December 2023 and January 2024 Vaughan Gething, a candidate for the post of First Minister in the Welsh Government, was given a donation of £200,000 towards his campaign.  No one in his position had ever before received such a huge sum.  The donor was a firm called Dauson Environmental […]

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Why is the Welsh Government at war with culture?

January 5, 2024 14 Comments
Why is the Welsh Government at war with culture?

In December 2023 the Welsh Government published its draft budget for 2024-25, a ‘budget to protect the services which matter most to you’.  As expected, the overall budget is seriously inadequate, thanks to the Westminster Government’s economic incompetence and its determination to impose Austerity Mark II on public services in advance of pre-election tax cuts.  […]

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New Atlantis: the vanishing of Tuvalu

November 24, 2023 0 Comments
New Atlantis: the vanishing of Tuvalu

In the daily TV quiz show Pointless, Tuvalu is a regularly pointless answer in ‘countries of the world’ rounds.  Even people who’ve heard of it would find it difficult to point to where it is with any accuracy on a map of the Pacific (latitude 5°–10° south, longitude 176°–180°).  It consists of three reef islands and […]

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Cymru ar goll yn ‘Union’

October 21, 2023 1 Comment
Cymru ar goll yn ‘Union’

Bûm yn gwylio cyfres ddiwethaf David Olusoga at BBC2, Union, a wnaed ar y cyd â’r Brifysgol Agored.  Rhaid dweud bod y cymhelliad y tu ôl i’r cynllun pedair rhaglen yn un i’w ganmol: i esbonio sut y daeth y ‘Deyrnas Unedig’ i fod, a sut datblygodd y syniad, a’r realiti, dros y canrifoedd.  Y […]

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How to destroy a bus service

October 6, 2023 1 Comment
How to destroy a bus service

Cars and other private vehicles worsen global heating, endanger our bodies and health, poison our air and wreck our neighbourhoods.  Yet, instead of trying to encourage us to make less use of them, governments in the UK are busy doing the very opposite.  The UK government, cynically and absurdly, even declares that it’s fighting a […]

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The 20mph revolt

September 29, 2023 3 Comments
The 20mph revolt

I usually float through the sewage and green algae of political debate in the UK buoyed up by a comforting belief: that here in Wales people are in some way insulated from the worst of the reactionary and cruel madness that now passes for politics in Westminster.  Comforting, but, I fear, quite wrong.  The extreme […]

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Getting angry about politics

July 21, 2023 7 Comments
Getting angry about politics

I’m not sure what other people think, but on the whole I’d say I was a person of fairly equable temper.  But recently I’ve begun to realise that I’ve started having angry conversations about contemporary politics, especially politics as practised in Britain.  This goes beyond just venting exasperation, like growling at the television when BBC […]

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A black hole in green transport?

June 30, 2023 0 Comments
A black hole in green transport?

An anecdote is a dangerous base for an argument, I know, but today that’s not going to stop me from a grouse about public transport.  Yesterday I needed to get from Mumbles to Cardiff Bay.  These days I try to keep the car in the drive, unless there’s no reasonable alternative, and I didn’t think […]

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