Tag: Builth Wells

Wye Valley Walk, day 10: Builth Wells to Newbridge-on-Wye

May 12, 2022 0 Comments
Wye Valley Walk, day 10: Builth Wells to Newbridge-on-Wye

We’ve been given a short stretch today after yesterday’s labours.  The owner of the guest house waves us off.  We’re too late to see the otters, he says, but we might consider a dip in Plum Tree Pool, a few miles upriver.  Luckily I’ve left my swimming trunks behind. The sky has heavier clouds than […]

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Wye Valley Walk, day 9: Boughrood to Builth Wells

May 11, 2022 0 Comments
Wye Valley Walk, day 9: Boughrood to Builth Wells

At breakfast we resume our conversation with another Two Women.  This time they’re trail riders (I detect a wince when I let slip the term ‘pony trekkers’).   We saw them twice yesterday, next to the river.  They’ve come from Hay, their borrowed horses are spending the night in a nearby field, and in the morning […]

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