Tag: Celia Paul

Gwen John on foot for Rome

May 3, 2024 2 Comments
Gwen John on foot for Rome

I’ve been reading Celia Paul’s painfully honest book Letters to Gwen John, a series of imaginary messages to her fellow-artist, dead for almost a hundred years.  She shares many circumstances with Gwen, and feels many close affinities, both creative and emotional.  In one of the letters, she describes a continental journey that Gwen made in […]

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Lucian Freud and Celia Paul

January 25, 2020 0 Comments
Lucian Freud and Celia Paul

Lucian Freud isn’t one of those big artists whose star quickly fades after death.  To judge by a visit to the Royal Academy exhibition of his self-portraits (it finishes tomorrow), his work still attracts plenty of public interest. The paintings were arranged chronologically, so you could follow easily the track of Freud’s development, and how […]

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