Tag: Heart of Wales Line

Glyndŵr’s Way, day 1: Knighton to Short Ditch

June 16, 2023 0 Comments
Glyndŵr’s Way, day 1: Knighton to Short Ditch

It’s a grey and cool June morning in Knighton as C1, C2 and I set off on six days of walking Glyndŵr’s Way, as far as Machynlleth.  We’ve all done some practice walks, but this promises to be a challenge.  The hills of Radnorshire and Montgomeryshire are frequent and the miles many.   We’re not used […]

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Offa’s Dyke Path, day 9: Knighton to Cwm

September 15, 2019 0 Comments
Offa’s Dyke Path, day 9: Knighton to Cwm

Four months have passed and we’re back in Knighton.  In another seven days we’ll have finished a project started six and a half years ago to walk round the edges of Wales.  This time, C. and I are joined by M., who walked the southern half of Offa’s Dyke 39 years ago, but has never […]

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