Tag: monarchy
Coleridge’s ginger wine

Some think that the Notebooks are Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s masterwork. In them he would jot any thoughts that occurred to his omnivorous, lightning-fast mind, wherever he was. Snatches of poetry, quotations from other writers, jokes, lists of works he would write (most remained unwritten), apothegms, descriptions of landscapes, recollections, fragments of philosophy, memos to himself […]
Yn eisiau: Arlywydd Cymru

Mae ein Brenhines cyn wydn â lledr. Nid yw’n dangos chwaith unrhyw awydd i ildio ei lle’n fuan. Ond yn hwy neu’n hwyrach bydd ei gorsedd yn wag, ac oni bai am ddamwain, neu benderfyniad annhebygol iawn, Charles Windsor a fydd yn dilyn ei fam, fel Brenin Charles III. Neu fel ‘George VII’, os nad […]