Tag: Parliament
How to be an MP

The news of Paul Flynn’s death in February 2019 met with widespread dismay. Surveys tells us regularly that MPs rank lower in public estimation than almost any other group in society, with the exception of bankers, but here was an exception: a man of integrity who was true to his principles and his constituents, and […]
Wales and Brexit, by Emyr Lewis

In this guest blog the lawyer and poet Emyr Lewis considers some of the complex questions, constitutional and legal, economic and cultural, that arise for Wales from the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. The text was originally given on 8 March 2018 in Swansea University as the Royal Institution of South Wales’s St […]
Mr Gulliver’s voyage to the island of Lilliput

On Wednesday 25 February the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee invited two bankers from HSBC, Douglas Flint, Group Chairman, and Stuart Gulliver, Group Chief Executive, to give evidence about alleged wrongdoings by their bank. You can read everything they said in response to questions from the MPs on the Parliament website. It won’t take […]
Parliament: a Martian sends a postcard home

My dearest brothers and sisters, You have dispatched me to London at an opportune time. The North Britons have but lately decided in a plebiscite not to withdraw themselves from their ancient yoking or ‘union’ with the South Britons – but only by a hair’s breadth. What contagion can possibly have taken hold of almost […]
Attacking Syria: an MP replies

Letter 1 From: Andrew Green Sent: 27 August 2013 20:07 To: CATON, Martin Subject: Syria Dear Mr Caton I find it hard to believe that the UK government is seriously intending to take part in a US-led military attack on Syria. It seems that nothing has been learned from the experience of invading Iraq. It […]