Tag: George Orwell
Ar hunangofiannau
Y dydd o’r blaen ces i lyfr ar fenthyg gan gyfaill, sef hunangofiant newydd yn Saesneg gan un o hoelion wyth y byd Cymreig cyhoeddus – cyfrol drwchus, gyda dros bedwar cant o dudalennau, a phrint mân. Mae’r llyfr yn dal i orwedd ar y ford yn y cyntedd; dwi heb ddarllen mwy nag un […]
Against sport
My title will offend, I know. Almost as much as would a blog of 1800, if one existed, that carried the title ‘Against religion’. But bear with me, even if sport is your religion. I want to argue, why, contrary to a virtually unquestioned consensus, I think the current fetishisation of competitive sport is a […]
Orwell’s toads
On 12 April 1946 the magazine Tribune published a short piece by George Orwell entitled Some thoughts on the common toad. It’s not perhaps his most original essay – its central theme is the coming of spring, and how ubiquitous it is, even in the centre of a large city like London – but it […]