Tag: george osborne
Getting angry about politics

I’m not sure what other people think, but on the whole I’d say I was a person of fairly equable temper. But recently I’ve begun to realise that I’ve started having angry conversations about contemporary politics, especially politics as practised in Britain. This goes beyond just venting exasperation, like growling at the television when BBC […]
Brexit: a Martian sends a postcard home

My dearest brothers and sisters, It is two years since you did me the honour of despatching me on a voyage across the solar seas to inspect what the Britons call their ‘mother of parliaments’. I must own that, reviewing my previous report to you, I cannot absolve myself of an embarrassing naïveté about this […]
Hwyl fawr i’r byd cyhoeddus?

Ar ddydd Mercher nesaf bydd y Canghellor George Osborne yn cyhoeddi’r canlyniadau o’i adolygiad o wariant cyhoeddus. Mae’n argoeli bod yn achlysur tyngedfennol. Fel dywed William Keegan, y newyddiadurwr economaidd, yn gyson, daeth y Ceidwadwyr i rym, yn 2010 ac eto yn 2015, ar sail dau Gelwydd Mawr: taw’r llywodraeth Lafur, yn hytrach na’r bancwyr a’i […]
A brief history of austerity

John Naughton observed the other day that neoliberal economists and their current weapon, austerity, have gained an unassailable intellectual hegemony. To claim that austerity is self-defeating and should be stopped is to be regarded as either foolish or mad. Ed Miliband, leader of a political party that was established – absurd idea! – to represent […]