Tag: political corruption

The problem of Vaughan Gething

April 26, 2024 15 Comments
The problem of Vaughan Gething

The facts are clear enough.  Between December 2023 and January 2024 Vaughan Gething, a candidate for the post of First Minister in the Welsh Government, was given a donation of £200,000 towards his campaign.  No one in his position had ever before received such a huge sum.  The donor was a firm called Dauson Environmental […]

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Conscience wakes?

June 10, 2022 2 Comments
Conscience wakes?

Of the many analogies used to make sense of Boris Johnson’s inglorious reign, the circus is probably the commonest.  No ordinary circus, of course, but one where witless acrobats fall headlong from their tightropes, lions run amok and maul defenceless children, the ringmaster sulks in his tent, surrounded by cans of lager and lines of […]

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Sir Boris Walpole and the cartoonists

January 29, 2022 0 Comments
Sir Boris Walpole and the cartoonists

It’s a commonplace that since George Osborne set in motion the immiseration of poor people, through his programme of austerity and big cuts in benefits, Britain has seemed to regress to the time of our Victorian ancestors.  ‘Poor laws’, and the nineteenth century distinction between deserving and undeserving poor, are back with us, and so […]

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