Tag: Rishi Sunak

The silent election

July 5, 2024 2 Comments
The silent election

Has there ever been a general election studded with so many good jokes?  From the very start, when Rishi Sunak destroyed his blue suit while standing in the pouring rain to announce the election, to the news that the even more hapless ex-MP Craig Williams had used his insider knowledge to place a £100 bet […]

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Ar ôl Covid-19: beth?

April 3, 2020 0 Comments
Ar ôl Covid-19: beth?

Dyw’r firws ddim eto wedi cyrraedd ei anterth.  Ond eisoes mae llawer o sylwebwyr yn edrych ymlaen at y cyfnod ôl-Govid-19 ac yn gofyn y cwestiwn, a fydd pethau’n hollol newydd, yn ein bywyd cyhoeddus, ar ôl i’r afiechyd gilio, neu, a fydd popeth yn dychwelyd i’r patrymau a fu?  Mae’n gwestiwn da. Y man […]

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