Tag: typography

Laurence Sterne in the printer’s shop

August 18, 2023 2 Comments
Laurence Sterne in the printer’s shop

Any reader of Tristram Shandy soon appreciates that its author had an unusually strong interest in the physical appearance of his books, and specifically in playing with the conventions of the printed word.  The ‘star witnesses’ are the Black Page, inserted to mark the sad death of Parson Yorick, the Marbled Page (unique in each […]

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Swansea automatic

July 21, 2019 0 Comments
Swansea automatic

I first came across the name Rhys Trimble last month while wandering down a narrow lane from the castle to the main street in Denbigh.  At the bottom of Lôn Brombil (Broomhill Lane) a poem by him, ‘Moliant i Ddinbych’, is painted on the wall of a building.  It begins ‘Boreon Dafydd; o ael bryn […]

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