Tag: Vernon Watkins
Vernon Watkins: a second visit

This year’s Haf Bach Mihangel, the forecasters say, will come to an abrupt end tomorrow, on the autumn equinox. But today’s a perfect day: hot, with sunshine from dawn to dusk, and only the slightest of breezes. I’m walking the coast to Oxwich. After climbing out of Pwll Du Head the path is easy going, […]
Iain Sinclair goes home

Urban is his element, and London his patch. But now, in his early seventies, Iain Sinclair has come home to his native Wales for his latest book, Black apples of Gower. For someone who’s followed the path of his wanderings and writings for years – I joined the trip late, with White Chappell, scarlet tracings […]
Zennor in light

Penwith is as far west as you can go in England. At the toe of Cornwall, it’s a region that looks and feels Atlantic. Its place-names are mostly Celtic. Prehistoric remains lie scattered across its open granite landscape. Three nights we spent recently in Penwith give me the chance to taste the South West Coastal […]