Tag: Black Mountain

North from Cwmgïedd

July 13, 2019 2 Comments
North from Cwmgïedd

Some of the solo days out I remember best are the result of fleeing from some ‘unmissable’ public event.  The marriage of Charles Windsor and Diana Spencer on 29 July 1981 was the excuse for a blissful day-long bike ride, from Hereford to Cardiff via the Wye valley, when the lanes were emptied of cars […]

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Offa’s Dyke Path, day 6: Longtown to Hay-on-Wye

May 22, 2019 0 Comments
Offa’s Dyke Path, day 6: Longtown to Hay-on-Wye

Another sunny morning.  We pick up some sandwiches from Hopes, Longtown’s village shop.  This must surely be the best village shop in the UK. It’s like a mini department store, and stocks almost everything you’d ever want; it even has micro-bookshop, and it acts as a post office, with a sorting office in a metal […]

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Ar y Mynydd Du

July 12, 2015 0 Comments
Ar y Mynydd Du

Golygfa ddu yw hi, o bob cyfeiriad, does dim dwywaith. O’r A48, er engraifft, wrth ichi yrru o Gaerfyrddin tua Cross Hands, mae’n anodd osgoi edrych draw, am eiliad o leiaf, i’r wal dywyll, fygythiol o fryniau sy’n ymestyn ar y gorwel yn y dwyrain – ymyl gorllewinol y Mynydd Du. ‘Du’ mewn ffordd arall […]

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