Tag: Meirionnydd

Ar y Ffordd Ddu

May 31, 2024 0 Comments
Ar y Ffordd Ddu

Nôl yn Nolgellau am ddeuddydd o gerdded ar Gader Idris.  Ond mae ’na broblem.  Er bod diwedd mis Mai, ar gyfartaledd, yn un o’r cyfnodau sychaf yn y flwyddyn, dyw hi ddim yn dilyn na fydd hi’n bwrw glaw o gwbl.  Ac eleni, wrth gwrs, yw Blwyddyn y Glaw, a dyma ni yn nesáu at […]

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Wandering in Meirionnydd

September 16, 2023 1 Comment
Wandering in Meirionnydd

In 1939, just before the outbreak of war, a woman called Hope Hewett published a book about her journeys alone on foot around Merioneth.  She has a genial and charming authorial voice, recounting her travels in the company of Jack, her faithful terrier, as they criss-cross their way across the county.  Today Hope and her […]

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Pant Glas: a Meirionnydd commune in 1840

December 2, 2022 2 Comments
Pant Glas: a Meirionnydd commune in 1840

Barmouth was not the only place in Meirionnydd to host utopian settlements in the nineteenth century.  Fanny Talbot’s Ruskinian village there was preceded by a quixotic attempt to set up a socialist commune in a very different part of the region, Abergeirw. In Liverpool in 1839 a splinter group began to break away from Robert […]

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