Author Archive: Andrew Green

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Glyndŵr’s Way, day 7: Machynlleth to Llanbrynmair

June 7, 2024 0 Comments
Glyndŵr’s Way, day 7: Machynlleth to Llanbrynmair

It’s been a year since we finished the southern half of Glyndŵr’s Way, and here we are, C1, C2 and I, back in Machynlleth to start on the sixty miles of the northern half.  Ca has kindly given us a lift from Swansea to Machynlleth, so we’ve time on the way up for a coffee […]

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Ar y Ffordd Ddu

May 31, 2024 0 Comments
Ar y Ffordd Ddu

Nôl yn Nolgellau am ddeuddydd o gerdded ar Gader Idris.  Ond mae ’na broblem.  Er bod diwedd mis Mai, ar gyfartaledd, yn un o’r cyfnodau sychaf yn y flwyddyn, dyw hi ddim yn dilyn na fydd hi’n bwrw glaw o gwbl.  Ac eleni, wrth gwrs, yw Blwyddyn y Glaw, a dyma ni yn nesáu at […]

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St Illtud’s Walk: day 6: Y Creunant to Resolfen

May 24, 2024 3 Comments
St Illtud’s Walk: day 6: Y Creunant to Resolfen

We’ve now erased the dark memory of Day 5, back in November, and today the daylight hours are reassuringly long.  So C and I feel up to tackling another inter-valley stage of the Walk, from Y Creunant to Resolfen.  We should have done this as the coda to the last stage, but exhaustion and fading […]

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Gweledigaeth mewn 4,525 o ddarnau

May 17, 2024 2 Comments
Gweledigaeth mewn 4,525 o ddarnau

Yr wythnos ddiwethaf cawson ni’r anrhydedd o gyfarfod ag un o drysorau mawr Cymru.  Enw traddodiadol y campwaith hwn yw Cwilt Teiliwr Wrecsam – er nad yw’n gwilt yn dechnegol, ond clytwaith, ac er bod y geiriau ‘teiliwr Wrecsam’ yn tueddu i guddio enw ei wneuthurwr, James Williams, 8 College Street yn y dref honno. […]

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Stanley Spencer at Llanfrothen

May 10, 2024 5 Comments
Stanley Spencer at Llanfrothen

1938 was a difficult year for Stanley Spencer.  His marriage to his wife Hilda Carline had been in trouble for years.  Divorce followed in 1937, though the two never lost contact.  His relationship with the artist Patricia Preece, whom he’d met in 1929, had been close and obsessive – he commemorated it in several nude […]

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Gwen John on foot for Rome

May 3, 2024 2 Comments
Gwen John on foot for Rome

I’ve been reading Celia Paul’s painfully honest book Letters to Gwen John, a series of imaginary messages to her fellow-artist, dead for almost a hundred years.  She shares many circumstances with Gwen, and feels many close affinities, both creative and emotional.  In one of the letters, she describes a continental journey that Gwen made in […]

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The problem of Vaughan Gething

April 26, 2024 15 Comments
The problem of Vaughan Gething

The facts are clear enough.  Between December 2023 and January 2024 Vaughan Gething, a candidate for the post of First Minister in the Welsh Government, was given a donation of £200,000 towards his campaign.  No one in his position had ever before received such a huge sum.  The donor was a firm called Dauson Environmental […]

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Pwy oedd Llywelyn ap Gwynn?

April 19, 2024 0 Comments
Pwy oedd Llywelyn ap Gwynn?

Dechrau’r stori hon yw llyfr.  Llyfr o’r enw Rambles and walking tours around the Cambrian coast, gan Hugh E. Page.  Mae’n perthyn i genre o deithlyfrau oedd yn boblogaidd yn y cyfnod rhwng y ddau ryfel byd, pan oedd marchnad barod i lyfrau o deithiau cerdded a gychwynnai o orsafoedd trenau.  Y cyhoeddwr oedd y […]

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Fathers and sons

April 12, 2024 3 Comments
Fathers and sons

In time, they say, sons turn into their fathers.  For a while I’ve been aware of this metamorphosis taking place in myself.  The most obvious change is physiognomic.  Nowadays my head and face seem, to me at least, remarkably close to how my dad looked in his later years, though in my younger days I […]

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Aberystwyth yn 1863

April 5, 2024 0 Comments
Aberystwyth yn 1863

Roedd oes newydd yn ddechrau gwawrio i dref Aberystwyth yn 1863.  Ym mis Awst y flwyddyn ganlynol cyrhaeddodd y rheilffordd o’r Amwythig, ac agorwyd yr orsaf drenau.  Bron ar unwaith daeth hi’n bosib i bobl deithio i’r dref yn hawdd, yn arbennig i hala eu gwyliau haf yn yr ardal.  Yn 1864 dechreuodd Thomas Savin […]

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